Tango lessons in madrid
If you’re looking to learn tango in Madrid, our Argentine Tango academy is the perfect choice. With over twenty years of experience, we offer an authentic and personalized approach that stands out for its elegance and technique. In our classes, you’ll discover the passion and tradition of Argentine Tango, taught by an experienced instructor from Buenos Aires.
Our academy focuses not only on technique but also on musicality, connection, and style. We strive to create a warm and welcoming environment where every student can progress at their own pace. Plus, our facilities are fully equipped to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable learning experience.
Come and join us to experience the true spirit of Argentine Tango in Madrid!
Learn how to dance tango in Madrid with Luciano Tango
At our tango school in Madrid, we offer a variety of classes for all levels. You can join group tango classes to share the experience with other students or opt for private lessons for more personalized attention. We also offer milonga and vals criollo (tango waltz) classes in Madrid for those looking to explore different styles of tango.
Tango Lessons for Beginners
Our beginner tango classes in Madrid are designed for those who have never danced tango before. If you’re looking to start learning tango in Madrid, we’ll guide you from the basic steps to traditional techniques. You’ll develop proper posture, master torso guidance, and learn to move with elegance and precision on the dance floor.
Intermediate Tango Classes
For intermediate dancers, we offer classes designed to refine your skills and deepen your understanding of tango. These sessions focus on technique, connection with your partner, and musicality. Our goal is to help you dance tango in Madrid with confidence and style, enhancing both your interpretation and overall performance.

Tango Lessons for Advanced Students
If you’re an experienced dancer looking to take your skills to the next level, our advanced tango classes in Madrid are perfect for you. These sessions focus on advanced techniques and intricate Argentine tango figures, providing in-depth, intensive training. Ideal for those who aspire to master the art of tango, our classes offer a detailed and immersive learning experience.

Our Tango Workshops in Madrid
In addition to our regular classes, we offer specialised tango workshops for adults. These intensive sessions provide an excellent opportunity to deepen your understanding of Argentine tango in Madrid and refine your technique in a focused learning environment.
Weekly Tango Classes
Our weekly tango classes in Madrid are designed to provide continuous and structured training. With a regular schedule, these sessions are perfect for those looking to refine their technique and enjoy tango on an ongoing basis.
Intensive Tango Courses
We offer intensive tango courses in Madrid throughout the year, including summer tango classes and special programmes for tourists. These weekend courses focus on key aspects such as technique for leaders and followers, intricate figures, musicality, and themed workshops. Perfect for those seeking a deep dive into tango in a short period of time.

Private Tango Lessons in Madrid
Our private tango lessons in Madrid provide a personalised and in-depth learning experience. Whether you’re looking for tango lessons as a couple, individual lessons for women, or private sessions for men, we offer tailored options to suit your needs. Additionally, we specialise in bridal dance preparation in Madrid, ensuring that your first dance is elegant, memorable, and uniquely yours.
Practice Tango in Madrid
For those who want to practice tango in a relaxed and authentic setting, we offer milonga practice sessions in Madrid. These gatherings provide the perfect opportunity to apply what you’ve learned in class in a social environment. We also teach vals criollo and tango waltz, helping you expand your repertoire and refine your skills. Join us at our Argentine tango academy in Madrid and immerse yourself in the true spirit of tango.

EXCELENTE A base de 133 reseñas Maria Kyrkasiadou05/01/2025Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google. Είχα την τύχη, για τους 6 μήνες που έμεινα στη Βαλένθια, να συμμετέχω στα μαθήματα που παραδίδει. Ο τρόπος που διδάσκει συνδυάζει τεχνική με δημιουργική έκφραση, δίνοντας έμφαση τόσο στη σωστή εκτέλεση των κινήσεων όσο στο ρυθμό και της μουσική. Κατά τη διάρκεια των μαθημάτων, δημιουργεί ένα φιλικό και υποστηρικτικό περιβάλλον, στο οποίο όλοι οι μαθητές – από αρχάριοι μέχρι πιο προχωρημένοι – νιώθουν άνετα να εκφραστούν και να εξελιχθούν. ¡Gracias, Luciano! Lisa29/12/2024Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google. Ich habe Lucianos Gruppen- und Einzelunterricht besucht und bin absolut begeistert! Luciano ist ein ein echter Profi, Tango Argentino in Person und Tänzer mit Herz. Er ist nicht nur ein begnadeter Tänzer, sondern auch ein talentierter Lehrer, der genau weiss, wie er seinen Unterricht auf seinen Schüler anpassen muss. Neben der Technik, bringt er auch Grundlagen über die Musikalität des Tangos bei. Mit ihm fühlt sich tanzen wie fliegen an und ich werde auch in Zukunft immer wieder seine Stunden besuchen. Danke Luciano! Francisco Camacho16/12/2024Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google. Alto Valor Academico . Luciano es un Iniciatico del Tango Argentino en Valencia , es un Virtuoso en la enseñanza de la estructura basica y sus pilares , es imposible ascender por una escalera a la que le falten estos primeros peldaños y tiene la Cualidad de Controlar los dos Roles con Perfección a todos los Niveles. Kenza Mzougui15/10/2024Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google. Luciano, un énorme merci à toi pour tes cours privés de tango. En seulement sept leçons, tu as su nous mettre à l’aise sur la piste pour notre mariage, chorégraphie inclus. Merci de nous avoir si bien accompagnés et de nous avoir aidés à surprendre nos invités! Si c’était à refaire, on te choisirait sans hésiter une seconde fois! Il fallait entendre la foule 🤗😘 Irina Cudoska25/07/2024Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google. Еден од описите на познатиот аргентински танц вели дека „Животот е како танго, страста што ја внесувате ја прави разликата“. Од друга страна, часовите на Лучијано додаваат страст во животот преку тангото, страст која расте со секој чекор и секоја нова фигура научена благодарение на неговата методологија, креативност, трпение и смисла за хумор. Тој е голем професионалец кој има танго во крвта. Секогаш има добро организирани часови, посветувајќи индивидуално внимание на секој ученик. Ако сакате да го научите најсензуалниот, емотивниот и личен танц, без сомнение, Лучијано е најдобриот учител. Una de las descripciones del famoso baile argentino dice que "La vida es como un tango la pasion que pones hace la diferencia". En cambio las clases de Luciano añaden pasion en la vida atravez del tango, pasion que va creciendo con cada paso y cada nueva figura aprendida gracias a su metodologia , creatividad, pacienca y el sentido de humor. El es un gran profesional que lleva el tango en su sangre. Siempre tiene las clases bien organizadas, prestando atencion individual a cada alumno. Si quieres aprender la danza mas sensual, emocional y personal, sin duda ninguna, Luciano es el mejor profesor. Zuzana Kopřivová22/07/2024Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google. Lekce s Lucianem byla skvělá. Je to nejen vynikající tanečník a učitel, ale taky příjemný člověk. Jsem ráda, že jsem mohla tango "ochutnat" právě u něj, naprosto mě to nadchlo. Taky jsem ocenila, že šlo komunikovat v angličtině, protože španělsky (zatím) neumím. Děkuji Luciano a vřele doporučuji i ostatním, je to správný člověk na správném místě 🙂 Cosimo Sabato12/06/2024Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google. Luciano è un grande professionista e ci supporta man mano che il livello aumenta. Seguo le sue lezione da ottobre e continuo ancora adesso! Se riesco a muovere qualche passo, il merito è suo! Clarisa Hernández23/05/2024Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google. Luciano es un gran maestro. No sólo enseña figuras, enseña elegancia en el baile, cosa que no es fácil. Está pendiente de todos los alumnos durante las clases y en cuanto ve algo que no le cuadra se arma de paciencia y humor y te muestra como hacerlo. Te hace entender cómo es el tango, su musicalidad, su carácter, sus formas. Su mayor preocupación es que bailes bien, no solo saber bien los movimientos si no saber cómo desarrollarlos adecuadamente con la música y de una manera natural y elegante. Recomendable 100% Jan Muehring16/05/2024Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google. Drie maanden geleden, het was zondagmiddag, mislukte mijn tango-auditie bij maestro Luciano. Desondanks bood Luciano mij stante pede aan in zijn wekelijkse groepslessen te komen oefenen. Luciano’s tangolessen zijn gevarieerd met in het samen geconcentreerd oefenen van nieuwe dansBguren. Steeds weer vraagt hij aandacht voor de cruciale tangohouding en daarmee ook ‘samen’ in balans blijven tijdens de soms complexe 'Bguras’. De maandelijkse vrijdagavond salon is voor ons principiantes 30’ ers inspirerend anders dan de intensieve groepslessen. Luciano is een enthousiaste dansleraar, die feilloos weet in te schatten hoe ieder van ons aanvullende correctie behoeft. Zijn privélessen hebben mijn danshouding aanzienlijk gestabiliseerd, waarbij ik zijn persoonlijke aandacht bijzonder waardeer. Fernando Marín Morales16/05/2024Trustindex verifica que la fuente original de la reseña sea Google. Luciano es un gran profesor, transmite su pasión por el tango. Es metódico perfeccionista. Tiene un trato muy personalizado en sus clases , fijándose en cada alumno y corrigiendo los defectos pero siempre aplicando un punto de humor que ayuda y facilita la clase. Luciano realmente quiere que aprendas, que bailes, no es una clase más. Recomendable al 100 × 100 si quieres aprender a bailar tango, si quieres entenderlo, interpretar la música, vivirla. Luciano es Tango de verdad.Verificado por: TrustindexLa insignia verificada de Trustindex es el símbolo universal de confianza. Solo las mejores empresas pueden obtener la insignia verificada si tienen una puntuación de revisión superior a 4.5, basada en las reseñas de clientes de los últimos 12 meses. Leer más
Contact and inscription
Tango lessons in Madrid with Luciano Tango
Where is Luciano Tango located in Madrid?
Luciano Tango is one of the most renowned tango academies in Madrid, located in the heart of the city to offer you comfort and accessibility.
What makes Luciano Tango different from other tango schools in Madrid?
Luciano Tango distinguishes itself from other tango schools in Madrid by its focus on authenticity, technique and pedagogy.
What tango workshops does Luciano Tango offer in Madrid?
We offer a variety of tango workshops in Madrid including weekend intensives, monographs, private classes, internships and tango classes for companies.
Does Luciano Tango organise tango events in Madrid?
Yes, Luciano Tango organises regular tango events, including milonga practices and social gatherings among its students so that you can practice and enjoy tango in a friendly atmosphere.
Is it possible to prepare the wedding dance at Luciano Tango?
Yes, at Luciano Tango we offer bridal dance preparation in Madrid, helping you to create a unique and memorable choreography for your wedding.
¿Qué otros estilos de baile se enseñan en Luciano Tango, aparte del tango argentino?
What other dance styles are taught at Luciano Tango, apart from Argentine tango?
Does Luciano Tango offer milonga classes in Madrid?
Yes, at Luciano Tango we offer milonga classes in Madrid so that you can learn and enjoy this style of tango with its characteristic rhythm.
Does Luciano Tango offer private tango lessons in Madrid?
Yes, we offer private tango lessons for those who prefer a more personalised attention. You can opt for individual or couple classes, adapted to your needs and schedule. Dancing with an experienced tango teacher in Madrid is a unique experience that will effectively improve your dancing.
Can I learn Vals criollo at Luciano Tango?
At Luciano Tango, you can take Vals criollo lessons in Madrid and add this elegant dance style to your repertoire.
What tango workshops does Luciano Tango offer in Madrid?
Tango Workshops in Madrid
We offer a variety of specialised tango workshops in Madrid, including:
- Tango Nivel Cero – A foundational workshop for absolute beginners, designed to help you start dancing from scratch with solid fundamentals.
- Assessment and Diagnostic Workshop – For those who already dance tango but need guidance and a personalised follow-up plan.
- Technique in Argentine Tango – A series of workshops focused on posture, walking, embrace, connection, and more.
- Figure Technique and Mechanics – Learn and refine sacadas, ganchos, barridas, boleos, and other intricate figures.
- Twisting Technique – Master proper technique and variations for twisting movements.
- Connection and Torso Marking – Exercises to enhance body awareness and improve connection with your partner.
- Leader and Follower Roles – Develop your current role or explore the opposite role for a deeper understanding of tango dynamics.
- Female Technique and Embellishments – From posture and walking to executing elegant adornments with precision.
- Male Technique – Refining posture, embrace, and the elegance of movement.
- Musicality and Orchestras – Understanding different tango orchestras, pauses, and how to match figures to the music.
- Embrace Types – Practicing both open and closed embrace and transitioning smoothly between them.
- Walking Technique – Learning how to walk fluidly in coordination with the music.
- Milonga Lisa and Traspie – Mastering both styles of milonga with specific techniques and movements.
- Vals Criollo – Technique and figures adapted to the waltz style of tango.
All workshops require prior booking and typically last between 1 and 2 hours, depending on the topic and the number of participants.